A Final Announcement
Dear players and friends,
I started this comm more than ten years ago, expecting it to be a small, contained thing. It became a huge part of my fannish life instead, all thanks to people who came to claim their cards, to write, to draw, to comment, to talk to each other, to get their achievements, to make reclists... All thanks to you. I had a lot of help along the way - from the co-mods, from the graphic-makers, from people who helped me clean the tags, from more or less anybody I crossed parts with. And I was hoping to check off at least the fifteen years mark with all of you.
But the last two years for me have been, well. Politically, historically, enviromentally, personally, mental health wise - you know how it goes. The amount of time and care I could dedicate to the comm, even with help, plummeted drastically; and now I realize that I absolutely can't realistically expect to give the comm, and all of you playing, the attention and care you deserve. It took me a long time to come to grips with this decision, but to this decision I (and my kind co-mod, with whom we're in full agreement here) came: is closed, effective immediately. Here we are.
What does it mean, logistics-wise?
- There will be no more new rounds.
- The comm (both on LJ and DW) stays up as long as DW stays up, with all the entries in it intact.
- I will provisionally open the comm for posting so people can share their amnesty fills for as long as they want to. If there will be spamming or unrelated posting, I'll close it again.
- You can keep using either the parent H/C bingo collection or its subcollections on AO3 indefinitely to put your bingo fills into.
I want to share with all of you the card generator file we've been working off all those year. Simply make a copy of this file to your own GDrive, and you're welcome to use it - whether to issue your own hc_bingo cards to yourselves, or to use it to start up your own comm, or to simply fill it with the prompts of your own choosing. The way it works is: you input your prompts into Column E, fiddle with HTML if needed in column G, and then simply select column B to E and press Data - Sort Range by Column B. Voila! You have a new card. If you have more in-depth questions about how it works, or how to adapt it to your needs, ping me here.
If any of you would like to take it and build up some kind of hc_bingo2.0 of it - I'd be happy; but please don't take our rules and wording verbatim. I think fandom will forever love h/c, in whatever form it comes; but hc_bingo has its time, and whatever will come next will be new - different - wonderful. I hope to come to play sometimes.
So long, and thank you - and thank you - and thank you. See you on the flip side.
I started this comm more than ten years ago, expecting it to be a small, contained thing. It became a huge part of my fannish life instead, all thanks to people who came to claim their cards, to write, to draw, to comment, to talk to each other, to get their achievements, to make reclists... All thanks to you. I had a lot of help along the way - from the co-mods, from the graphic-makers, from people who helped me clean the tags, from more or less anybody I crossed parts with. And I was hoping to check off at least the fifteen years mark with all of you.
But the last two years for me have been, well. Politically, historically, enviromentally, personally, mental health wise - you know how it goes. The amount of time and care I could dedicate to the comm, even with help, plummeted drastically; and now I realize that I absolutely can't realistically expect to give the comm, and all of you playing, the attention and care you deserve. It took me a long time to come to grips with this decision, but to this decision I (and my kind co-mod, with whom we're in full agreement here) came:
What does it mean, logistics-wise?
- There will be no more new rounds.
- The comm (both on LJ and DW) stays up as long as DW stays up, with all the entries in it intact.
- I will provisionally open the comm for posting so people can share their amnesty fills for as long as they want to. If there will be spamming or unrelated posting, I'll close it again.
- You can keep using either the parent H/C bingo collection or its subcollections on AO3 indefinitely to put your bingo fills into.
I want to share with all of you the card generator file we've been working off all those year. Simply make a copy of this file to your own GDrive, and you're welcome to use it - whether to issue your own hc_bingo cards to yourselves, or to use it to start up your own comm, or to simply fill it with the prompts of your own choosing. The way it works is: you input your prompts into Column E, fiddle with HTML if needed in column G, and then simply select column B to E and press Data - Sort Range by Column B. Voila! You have a new card. If you have more in-depth questions about how it works, or how to adapt it to your needs, ping me here.
If any of you would like to take it and build up some kind of hc_bingo2.0 of it - I'd be happy; but please don't take our rules and wording verbatim. I think fandom will forever love h/c, in whatever form it comes; but hc_bingo has its time, and whatever will come next will be new - different - wonderful. I hope to come to play sometimes.
So long, and thank you - and thank you - and thank you. See you on the flip side.